Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Get Cooking!

It's here!! The new PAIIR and School Readiness Cookbook has arrived and is available for purchase from the PAIIR office (201 8th Street NW).

I had one of the first edition of PAIIR's cookbooks and pulled it out whenever I was tired of making the same old thing for supper. I knew that the recipes in that cookbook were favorites of the parents who had contributed them, so I was confident they'd be great recipes. I was never disappointed.

This new cookbook is larger. More recipes! It still has the same spiral binding so that the book lays flat on the counter and won't flip itself shut while you're trying to measure out ingredients. It also has the helpful household hints and tips and conversion charts that I found so handy in the previous edition.

At $12, it's a great deal. They make great gifts too.

1 comment:

mamakat7 said...

I just have to second that this book is fantastic! Having the honor of helping put the book together, I was able to get a sneak peek at a lot of the recipes submitted and that the book would be a great asset to every kitchen. Not only does it have delicious recipes for: appetizers, beverages, breads, salads, soups, main dishes, sides and let's NOT forget the mouth watering desserts, but it's got a great section on easy to do kid's activities, hands on kid friendly recipes and dabbles a little in green cleaning tips. Looking for a way to welcome a new family to your neighborhood? You can't go wrong with this book.