Monday, June 2, 2008

This is MY house

In my quest for a semi-clean and orderly house, I have been going fromroom to room to see what I need to pick up and what needs to be givenaway, thrown away, etc. One can definitely tell that we have small children in this house! You know you have small children in the house when:

(1) There are multiple wipes boxes placed carefully and strategically around the house.
(2) My cookbook cupboard is full of two different sizes of diapers.
(3) The living room looks like a daycare center.
(4) At least 60% of the household movies are rated G.
(5) The cupboards and refrigerator MUST have some sort of cracker, fruit snack, cookie, Go-Gurt and juice in them.
(6) There is a diaper genie by the back door that always seems to befull.
(7) My lovely expensive coffee table has knicks all over the top from Matchbox cars. Underneath the table, we have hidden puzzles, blocks, and other toys.
(8) The bathrooms have kid hand soap, plastic bathroom stools, and sometimes a half-unrolled toilet paper roll.
(9) At any given moment, you can find food bits under the dining room table: you name it-- raisins, cut up hot dogs or grapes, etc.
(10) Sometimes, if you are REALLY lucky, there is a sippy cup underneath some piece of furniture that is at least 2 days old.

Gotta love it! Some people may think that I am complaining right now. Sure, my house always seems messy despite the constant effort to be organized. Sure,you may get a whiff of wet diaper when you walk in the back door. (Thank goodness for room spray!) But, I have to sit back and remind myself that someday, I'll miss having small children in the house. It is already going by so quickly.

Kara is the mother of 3 children: a daughter who is 6, a son who is 3, and a daughter who is 2. She is a self-proclaimed PAIIR "junkie" and her kids have always enjoyed the programs too!