Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7 Ideas for Parenting

How many times have you said to yourself, “If only I had known before what I know now.” After surviving a challenging situation with my son when he was little I often thought to myself, “I wish I had handled that situation better…” or “Next time I will plan ahead and do things differently…” or “Other parents surely know how to do a better job of this…” So with the wisdom of hindsight I am going to share some basic ideas about parenting I have learned from listening to other parents- I sure wish I had known these things 23 years ago!

1. Figure out the difference between what your child wants and what they need.

Children may want everything, but their needs are few.

2. Put a framework around your week.

Everyone functions best with a schedule or routine.

3. Your child won’t always listen to you but they will always be watching you.

Pay attention to how you spend your time and money cause that’s what your kids will be paying attention to.

4. Work on yourself; your self-control, your self-care and your self-respect.

This is self-explanatory.

5. Love is largely an act of persistence.

Show up for your kids’ activities; make sure they keep their commitments; and love them when they are least lovable.

6. Decide what you want to teach your child.

If the Minnesota Vikings don’t play a game without a plan, why are you raising kids without one?

7. In order for your child to take a risk, you have to be willing to take one.

Teach kids about the consequences of making their own choices early while the risks are low. Better to risk that your 3-year-old will dress himself in an outrageous outfit; that your 3rd grader may get a poor grade if you don’t remind him to do his homework -than to start teaching about consequences when your 16-year-old wants to start borrowing the car.

Linda Thomas is a parent educator at PAIIR and is the parent of a soon-to-be 23-year-old son. She and her husband Jack live in the country with 3 cats. They love chocolate and their son but not in that order.